December 20, 2018

Dear Reactis User:

We are pleased to announce the availability of Reactis® V2018.2 and Reactis Model Inspector V2018.2 as well as the Reactis V2018.0.2 and Reactis V2017.2.4 patches.

Reactis V2018.2

The V2018.2 release of Reactis includes the bug fixes that were included in patch releases V2018.0.2 and V2017.2.4 plus the new features listed below.

Newly Supported Simulink Features

  • Support MATLAB R2018b.
  • Signals with dimensions greater than 2 in Simulink and Stateflow.
  • "Input port" setting for initial condition in Delay block.
  • Matrices as initial conditions in Delay block.

Version information in .rsi files

The .rsi file which stores the input port constraints and model-specific settings for a model now tracks version information:
  • Revision number, increased automatically every time the .rsi file is saved after modifications were made.
  • The user name under which the last modification was made.
  • The date of the last modification.
This information can bee seen by selecting Edit->General in the Reactis GUI and can be queried using the rsRsiGetParameterValue() function in the API. The revision number is also included in test execution and coverage reports (next to the .rsi file name).

Cumulative coverage tracking for referenced subsystems and models

It is now possible to track coverage for referenced subsystems and models cumulatively within Reactis. To select a system or model for cumulative coverage, navigate to an instance of the system in the hierarchy tree, right-click on the name and select Coverage -> Cumulative. Coverage for cumulatively tracked systems is shown in a special section in the hierarchy tree. Interactions such as breakpoints and data observation continue to be handled in the specific instances.


The following functions have been added to the Reactis API:
  • rsRsiSetCumulativeCoverage Enable/Disable cumulative coverage tracking for a referenced model or library subsystems.
  • rsRsiIsCumulativeCoverage Check cumulative coverage tracking status for a referenced model or library subsystems.
  • rsRsiGetCumulativeCoverage Query all systems/models for which cumulative coverage tracking is enabled.

Reactis for EML Plugin

  • Support type arguments to zero, one and eye functions.
  • Support scalar expansion in .^ operator.

Reactis Model Inspector V2018.2

The V2018.2 release of Reactis Model Inspector includes the following new features listed.

Newly Supported Simulink Features

  • Support MATLAB R2018b.

Reactis V2018.0.2

The following bugs were fixed since V2018.0.1:

  • bug: unexpected sample time value (#4127).
  • Deleting a test point may ghost other test points (#4124).
  • "bug: can't convert IntInf value to ?" for some temporal logic operators (#4115).
  • Delta constraints ignored for elements of non-virtual top-level input buses (#4112).
  • "Undefined variable error" for some models with masked Constant blocks in conditional subsystems (#4108).
  • Input values of type 'single' with a subrange and delta limits can cause "Error: Invalid top-level input value" (#4105).
  • User-guided simulation says "invalid value" for valid 1x1 or Nx1 arrays (#4096)
  • Empty bus type in workspace causes Reactis to re-import model every time (#4093).
  • Bug message when using enumerated values containing underscores in user-guided simulation (#4090).
  • Simulation differences for some models containing cycles of non-virtual buses (#4087).

Reactis V2017.2.4

The following bugs were fixed since V2017.2.3:

  • bug: unexpected sample time value (#4127).
  • Deleting a test point may ghost other test points (#4124).
  • "bug: can't convert IntInf value to ?" for some temporal logic operators (#4115).
  • Delta constraints ignored for elements of non-virtual top-level input buses (#4112).
  • "Undefined variable error" for some models with masked Constant blocks in conditional subsystems (#4108).
  • Input values of type 'single' with a subrange and delta limits can cause "Error: Invalid top-level input value" (#4105).
  • Empty bus type in workspace causes Reactis to re-import model every time (#4093).
  • Simulation differences for some models containing cycles of non-virtual buses (#4087).

You may download the patches or full installers from the Reactis User Pages.

Best Regards,
The Reactis Team

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