FAQ: Product Independent - Problems Starting Reactis

When I try to run Reactis I get an error message saying something like Unable to connect to License Server. Why?

This problem arises when you are trying to use a remote Reactis License Manager. The error message indicates that your local instance of Reactis is unable to communicate with the Reactis License Manager. There are several possible reasons for this:

  • Your network connection might be down. Check that all network cabling and cards are intact and functioning correctly.
  • The machine on which the Reactis License Manager is running may have crashed. Check that this machine is running, and that the Reactis License Manager is running.
  • The IP address you entered for the Reactis License Manager may be incorrect. Check that the IP address you entered during installation is correct. You may look at and modify the address recorded by Reactis in the dialog presented after the error message which is the same one available from Reactis (after it is able to start) when selecting the File -> Global Settings... menu item and then selecting the License tab.
  • A firewall may be preventing your machine and the License Manager from communicating. Reactis clients and License Managers exchange data using communication ports, which are low-level operating-system interprocess communication facilities. (Ports are also used for e-mail, web-browsing and the like.) Firewalls typically allow users to turn off access to ports. If your machine or the License Manager's machine is running a firewall, then you should check to see whether or not communication on port number 3999 is enabled. This is the default port used by the Reactis License Manager and Reactis; if communication is disabled on this port, then the two applications cannot communicate. If access to this port is indeed restricted, then you will need to change the configuration of the relevant firewall, or re-install Reactis so that it uses a local License File rather than a remote License Manager.

When I invoke Reactis, I get a Settings dialog with a single License tab. Why?

After running the Reactis installer, you must configure Reactis to access a license. You may either configure Reactis to

  1. Use a license file residing locally on your machine; or
  2. Access a remote License Manager.

The License tab of the Global Settings dialog allows you to view and modify how your installation of Reactis is configured to access a license. If one or more remote License Managers are available in your organization, then you may add them at this point and continue with your invocation of Reactis.

If you are trying to access a local license file and get this dialog, then there is a problem with your license file. Note that no changes may be made to the file that Reactive Systems digitally signs and sends you. The local license file you receive by email should be placed in the Reactis installation folder. If you installed in the default location, the license file should be saved to: c:\Program Files\Reactis V2017.2\rsilicense.dat

See Chapter Installing Reactis of the Reactis User's Guide for more details on configuring license settings using this tab.

When I invoke Reactis, an error dialog box appears saying All available concurrent licenses are currently in use. What is happening?

This message indicates that the maximum allowable number of concurrent invocations of Reactis has been reached for your installation of Reactis. If you are using a local license file, this means that you probably have another instance of Reactis already running. If you are using a remotely running License Manager, then the maximum number of licenses controlled by that License Manager are being used by others.

Clicking Ok in the error dialog causes the License tab of the Global Settings dialog to appear. This dialog presents information about how your installation of Reactis is configured to access a license. If remote License Managers are available in your organization, but not listed here, then you may add them at this point and continue with your invocation of Reactis. If you have already configured Reactis to access all available License Managers, then you can use this dialog to view who is currently using each license. See Chapter Installing Reactis of the Reactis User's Guide for more details on configuring license settings using this tab of the Settings dialog.

I get the error message Couldn't find Ethernet adapter with MAC address xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx in this machine when I try to start Reactis (or the License Manager). What is happening?

Each Reactis license file includes a line that specifies a MAC address of an Ethernet card installed in the machine on which the file resides. If the address in the file does not match the one in your computer, then you will get this error. This might happen if you are using a laptop and remove a network card, or if you upgrade your machine. In the former case, please insert your network card; in the latter, please contact Reactive Systems.

I upgraded my machine, and Reactis no longer works. Why?

This occurs if you installed Reactis so that it accesses a local License File (i.e. without a License Manager). Each such installation of Reactis is tied to a specific machine (via a MAC address); if you change your machine, then your Reactis license file is no longer valid, and the software will not work.

Contact Reactive Systems for assistance when this situation arises.