September 20, 2017

Dear Reactis User:

Reactis V2017.0.1 and V2016.2.5 are now available.

Reactis V2017.0.1

The following bugs were fixed since V2017:

  • Fixed issue where models containing blocks with PreSaveFcn callbacks can display unexpected behavior in Reactis if "Propagate set_param" option is enabled (#3825).
  • Properly import test points from referenced models (#3818).
  • Several issues have been fixed that occurred when using a MATLAB Function as a Validator Objective in Reactis (#3816).
  • Fixed issue where "Saturate on integer overflow" setting is incorrectly applied to bit operations in Statelfow (#3810).
  • Fixed problem where some models would produce a "Reference to non-existent field 'DataScope'" when using MATLAB R2010b or earlier with Reactis (#3812).
  • Fixed error "Attempt to reference field of non-structure array" when using mask variables of type DataTypeStr in certain configurations (#3806).
  • Fixed issue where some nested enabled or atomic subsystems were falsely included in conditional input branches (#3804).
  • Fixed "Undefined function 'reactis_get_testpoints'" that could occur if a model's Pre-Load function modifies the MATLAB search path (#3800).
  • Fixed "bug: Uncaught exception: NotFoundInTable" when using built-in MATLAB constants such as "pi" in If block expressions (#3792).
  • Fixed "bug: can't flatten" that could occur for some Switch blocks operating on non-virtual buses (#3784).
  • Fixed "bug: unknown MaskStyle: radiobutton" when using radio buttons in block masks (#3779).
  • Fixed "bug: signal base type undefined" that could occur for some models when using MATLAB R2017a (#3781).
  • Fixed "bug: no mapping found for item" when importing certain CSV test suites via the API (#3776).
  • Fixed issue where exporting to .m or .mat via the API would unexpectedly open a MATLAB window (#3802).
  • Fixed API function rsGetParameterValue to return proper result for ReactisHome parameter (#3789).
  • Fixed "Error: Returning workspace outputs is supported with only single return argument" when using rsRunTests API function (#3774).

Reactis V2016.2.5

The following bugs were fixed since V2016.2.4:

  • Fixed issue where "Saturate on integer overflow" setting is incorrectly applied to bit operations in Statelfow (#3811).
  • Fixed problem where some models would produce a "Reference to non-existent field 'DataScope'" when using MATLAB R2010b or earlier with Reactis (#3813).
  • Fixed error "Attempt to reference field of non-structure array" when using mask variables of type DataTypeStr in certain configurations (#3807).
  • Fixed issue where some nested enabled or atomic subsystems were falsely included in conditional input branches (#3805).
  • Fixed "bug: Uncaught exception: NotFoundInTable" when using built-in MATLAB constants such as "pi" in If block expressions (#3793).
  • Fixed "bug: can't flatten" that could occur for some Switch blocks operating on non-virtual buses (#3785).
  • Fixed "bug: unknown MaskStyle: radiobutton" when using radio buttons in block masks (#3780).
  • Fixed "bug: signal base type undefined" that could occur for some models when using MATLAB R2017a (#3782).
  • Fixed issue where exporting to .m or .mat via the API would unexpectedly open a MATLAB window (#3803).
  • Fixed API function rsGetParameterValue to return proper result for ReactisHome parameter (#3790).
  • Fixed "Error: Returning workspace outputs is supported with only single return argument" when using rsRunTests API function (#3775).

You may download the patches or full installers from the Reactis User Pages.

Best Regards,
The Reactis Team

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